World War IIDS Blink
DS Blink var på reise fra Charleston til Halifax med fosfat for Ipswich. Onsdag 11. februar 1942 stampet skipet mot en nordøstlig kuling og høy sjø. Samme dag ble fartøyet torpedert av den tyske ubåten U-108 i posisjon 3500N og 7227W, rett øst av Cape Hatteras. 23 mann samlet seg i en livbåt, fem mann antok man var blitt drept i eksplosjonen. To mann kunne bli sett på dekket etter at livbåten var kommet på vannet. Det ble ropt på dem at de skulle hoppe, men i stedet gikk de to akterut og løsnet en flåte og drev bort. Nå begynte en av de mest tragiske historiene om livbåtferder under krigen. Livbåten med 23 mann kantret flere ganger og drev for vær og vind, og folkene satt i vann til brystet. En mann druknet, og vann og brød forsvant. Noen ble sinnssyke og døde i den halvveis senket livbåten. 13. februar satt det 11 mann igjen i livbåten. Dagen etter var det bare seks mann tilbake. Samme dag ble de reddet av det amerikanske handelsfartøyet SS Munroe og brakt til sykehus i Baltimore. 22 omkom i forliset, av de omkomne var 14 nordmenn, 6 mann ble reddet.
SS Blink was on a journey from Charleston to the convoy port in Halifax with phosphate for Ipswich. On the 11th of February 1942, the vessel was hit by a north-eastern gale and rough seas. It was at this day that the boat was torpedoed by the German uboat U-108 in position 3500N, 7227W, east of Cape Hatteras. 23 crew members gathered in the lifeboats, and it is assumed that five of the crew died in the explosion. Two men were observed on the deck after the lifeboat was in the water. The crew in the lifeboat yelled that they should dive into the sea, but instead the two lowered down a raft, this raft drifted away. This marked the start of one of the most tragic stories involving shipwrecked sailors during the war. The lifeboat with 23 passengers capsized several times and drifted around on the mercy of the seas and winds, and the passengers had water up to their chests. One man drowned, and this caused the loss of food and drinkable water to be lost. Some of the crew members went insane and died in the half sunken boat. On the 13th of February, there were only 11 men left in the lifeboat. The day after there were only six. At this they the survivors were rescued by the american SS Munroe and were brought to a hospital in Baltimore. 22 men perished in the sinking, including 14 Norwegians. 6 were rescued.
About DS Blink
Knut Th. Einersen, Kristiania, Oslo
4000 dvt