Andre verdenskrigDS Bokn
DS Bokn gikk i konvoi langs den engelske kanalkyst. Befant seg 9. juni 1942 i Lyme Bay, mellom Dartmouth og Portland da hun ble angrepet av hurtiggående tyske E-båter. Fartøyet ble truffet av en torpedo og gikk rett ned. Fire mann fløt opp fra dragsuget og reddet seg på flåte. Etter et par timer i drift ble de tatt opp av eskorten og brakt inn til Portsmouth. Ni nordmenn og fire briter omkom i forliset.
SS Bokn was in a convoy alongside the English channel coast. The ship at the 9th of June 1942 was in docks at Lyme Bay, between Dartmouth and Portland, while she was assaulted by German E-boats. The vessel was hit by a torpedo and sank immediately. Four men floated up up from the undertow and saved themselves on a raft. After a couple of hours adrift they were rescued by a escort vessel and brought to shore in Portsmouth. Nine Norwegians and four Britons perished in the sinking.
Om DS Bokn
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