World War IIDS Diana

DS Diana ble minesprengt sannsynligvis 26. september 1940. Skipet var på reise fra Milford Haven til Plymouth. Diana forsvant med 17 mann, hvorav 14 var nordmenn.  Været var moderat samme dag som forliset. Senere ble det funnet livbelte og livbåt fra skipet ved klippene mellom Lansallos Bay og Pencarrow Head.

DS Diana hit a mine probably around 26th of September 1940. The ship was on a voyage from Milford Haven to Plymouth. Diana disappeared with 14 Norwegians and three foreigners. The weather was moderate at the day of the sinking. Lifeboats and lifebelts that were marked with the ship’s name drifted ashore at the cliffs between Lansallos bay and Pencarrow Head.

About DS Diana

  • Nationality

    Flag Norway

  • Built


  • Wrecked


  • Carrier

    Det Bergenske Dampskipsselskap, Bergen

  • Tonnage

    1500 dvt
