Andre verdenskrigMS Fernhill
MS Fernhill gikk uavhengig fra Liverpool til Buenos Aires med stykkgods, deriblant et parti sprengstoff. Utenfor Bathurst, Gambia, ble konvoien oppløst, og Fernhill satte kursen vestover for egen hand. 6. august 1943 kolliderte skipet nesten med den tyske ubåten U-757. Det ble gitt ild fra kanonene på Fernhill, men man traff ikke. Ubåten dykket, og etter tre timers jakt samme dag sendte sendte ubåten avgårde en torpedo som traff skipet i maskinrommet. De tre på vakt ble drept. Torpederingen skjedde 6. august 1943 i posisjon 0707N og 1948W. Ubåten kom opp og tok 3. maskinist Nils Bremer Johannesen til fange før den forsvant. To dager senere ble Fernhills besetning tatt opp av amerikansk handelsskip og satt i land i Freetown.
MV Fernhill was on an independent journey from Liverpool to Buenos Aires with general cargo, and a shipment of explosives. Just outside of Bathurst, Gambia, was the convoy disbanded, and Fernhill headed west by itself. On the 6th of August 1943, the ship almost collided with the German uboat U-757. Fernhill opened fire towards the uboat, but no hits could be affirmed. The uboat submerged, and after a three-hour long hunt the same day Fernhill got hit by a torpedo in the machine room in position 0707, 1948W. The three on duty in the engine room died immediately. The uboat emerged from the water and took 3rd machinist Nils Bremer Johannsen captive before it disappeared. Two days later the remaining crew were rescued by an American merchant ship and brought to Freetown.
Om MS Fernhill
Fearnely & Eger, Oslo
7705 dvt