World War IIDS Ingerfem
DS Ingerfem var på reise i konvoi fra Loch Ewe julaften 1942 i konvoi til Halifax i ballast. Skipet holdt følge med konvoien i tre døgn, men fikk så problemer med maskinen og falt ut fra konvoien. Den 29. desember 1942 ble Ingerfem torpedert av den tyske ubåten U-631. Etter fem minutter brakk skipet i to og tok med seg 30 mann i livbåt. Åtte mann satt i livbåt nr 2 som drev avsted i tiltagende vind og sjø. Livbåten ble hele tiden fyllt med vann , og de ombordværende måtte stadig øse. 1. januar 1943 kantret livbåten. De åtte kom om bord igjen, men livsviljen var knekket hos sju av dem. De plasserte seg stående midt i livbåten. Slik døde tre av besetningen samme dag. I sju døgn drev de resterende fem videre i en båt som nesten hele tiden var fyllt med vann. Da kantret den igjen, men de fem klarte å få den på rett kjøl. Samme natt døde fire. Skytter Ole Johan Næss (20år) fra Larvik var igjen alene. Vanviddet grep ham. Næss hoppet over bord, men ble øyeblikket skyllet opp i båten igjen av en sjø. Han drakk store mengder sjøvann for å ende livet, men heller ikke det lyktes. 11. januar 1943, etter 14 stormfulle dager, ble livbåten observert 500 n. mil vest av Skottland av amerikansk fruktskip Steemac. Næss var da bevisstløs og så ille ut. Skipslegen ga han den beste pleie til han ble brakt til sykehus i Ards District ved Belfast. Her fikk dyktige leger restituert ham. 36 mann omkom som følge av torpederingen.
SS Ingerfem was on a journey in convoy from Loch Ewe in 1942, on Christmas Eve, to Halifax in ballast. The ship followed the convoy for three days, but then had problems with their machinery and disbanded from the convoy. On the 29th of December 1942, the ship was torpedoed by the German uboat U-631 submarine. After five minutes, the ship broke in two and brought down 30 men in a lifeboat along into the depth. Eight men sat in another lifeboat and were drifting in the directions the winds and waves brought them. The lifeboat was constantly filled with water and the men aboard tried to empty the boat of water. On the 1st of January 1943, the boat capsized. The eight men boarded the boat again, but their will of life were broken in all but one. They stood in the middle of the lifeboat and that was how tree of the crew-members died on the very same day. They drifted for seven days in a boat that was almost constantly filled with water. It capsized again, but they managed to sail again. During the night, four of them died. The gunner, Ole Johan Næss (20-years-old) from Larvik, was the lone survivor. Insanity caught him; he jumped overboard, but was immediately washed up by a wave onto the boat again. In an attempt to take his own life, he drank large amounts of seawater, but even this did not succeed. On the 11th of January 1943, after 14 stormy days, the lifeboat was observed 500 nautical miles west of Scotland by the American fruitship Steemac. Næss was unconscious when he was saved. The ship doctor gave him the best treatment they could offer until he was brought to a hospital in the Ards District in Belfast. The skilled doctors helped him recover. 36 men perished in the sinking.
About DS Ingerfem
Jacob Kjøde, Bergen
7000 dvt