World War IIDS Marianne

DS Marianne var på reise i konvoi fra Southend til Sunderland i ballast. Konvoien ble 12. desember 1942 angrepet av flere hurtiggående tyske E-båter utenfor Lowestoft. Fire skip ble senket og Marianne. Etter en voldsom eksplosjon i fyrrommet sank Marianne hurtig. Det var vanskelig å få ut livbåt, og da skipet kantret over den ene livbåten, måtte folkene hoppe i sjøen og svømme bort. Andre lå i sjøen, blåst bort av eksplosjonen. 16 mann ble reddet. Ni nordmenn og fem briter omkom. Maskinbesetningen antas å ha blitt drept momentant.

SS Marianne was on a journey in convoy from Southend to Sunderland in ballast. On the 12th of December 1942, the convoy was attacked by several high speed German E-boats outside of Lowestoft. Four ships and Marianne were sunk. After a violent explosion in the boiler room, Marianne sunk rapidly. It was difficult to lower the lifeboats and when Marianne capsized over one of the lifeboats, many of the crew had no other option than jump into the sea and swim. Some floated in the sea and were blown away by the explosion. 16 men were saved.  The engine crew were assumed to have died instantly in the explosion.Nine Norwegians and five Britons perished in the sinking.

About DS Marianne

  • Nationality

    Flag Norway

  • Built


  • Wrecked


  • Carrier

    Lund,Eilert, Bergen

  • Tonnage

    3150 dvt
