Andre verdenskrigDS Norhauk
DS Norhauk (tidligere Empire Sambar / Empire Beaver) var på reise med 6800 tonn stykkgods fra St. John, N.B. til London. Skipet hadde allerede fått los om bord da hun ble senket 21. desember 1943, trolig av en akustisk mine i munningen av Themsen. Eksplosjonen fra minen var voldsom, Norhauk ble delt i to og sank i løpet av sekunder. To mann ble drept i maskinen, losen omkom på øvre bru, og åtte mann var enten drept eller så skadet at de ikke kunne hoppe til sjøs. Flere fartøyer i nærheten kom til og fisket opp 15 mann fra sjøen. Tre mann ble reddet fra akterstavnen og 12 mann fra forstavnen. 11 mann omkom i forliset.
SS Norhauk (former Empire Sambar / Empire Beaver) was on a journey from St. John N. B., with London as its destination, carrying 6800 tons cargo. Although the ship had a British pilot navigator, on the 21st of December 1943, the ship sunk by hitting an acoustic mine at the mouth of the River Thames. The explosion was fierce; The Norhauk was split in two and sank within seconds. Two men were killed in the machine room, the Pilot navigator was killed on the upper bridge and eight men was either killed or badly wounded and therefore could not jump overboard. Several nearby ships came to rescue 15 men from the waters. Three men was rescued from the stern and 12 men from the prow. 11 men perished in the sinking.
Om DS Norhauk
Nortraship, London/New York
9.193 tdw