World War IIDS Polyana
DS Polyana (tidligere Skjoldheim) var på reise i konvoi fra Oban til Freetown med beregnet ankomst 30. april 1941. Konvoien ble oppløst 14. april, og senere hørte man ikke mer fra Polyana. Men ifølge tyske rapporter ble skipet senket 25. april 1941 av den tyske ubåten U-103. 18 nordmenn, to briter, en spanjol, en tuniser og en malteser omkom i forliset.
SS Polyana was on a journey in convoy from Oban, estimated to arrive Freetown on the 30th of April 1941. On the 14th of April, the convoy was disbanded and no reports were heard from Polyana again. According to German sources, the ship was torpedoed on 24th of April 1941 by the German uboat U-103 in the position 13N, 27W, although the commander of the submarine was unable to identify DS. Polyana. 18 Norwegians, two Britons, one Spaniard, one Tunisian and a Maltese perished in the sinking.
About DS Polyana
Bucha Godager & Co, Oslo
3975 dvt