World War IIMS Benjamin Franklin

MS Benjamin Franklin gikk fra Bermuda i konvoi 1. februar 1941 bestemt for Liverpool med 8400 tonn stykkgods, sprengstoff, bomber og fly. Konvoien møtte storm, økende til orkan, og klarte ikke å holde sammen, og Benjamin Franklin ble seilende alene. Vinden økte til moderat storm med snøtykke da fartøyet 19. februar 1941 ble torpedert av den tyske ubåten U-103. Torpedoen traff maskinrommet, og skipet sank hurtig. To livbåter med 24 mann kom hurtig på vannet, men i løpet av natten mistet de kontakten. I grålysningen fant man ingen tegn til den ene livbåten med 17 mann om bord, heller andre livstegn var å se i det opprørte havet. I fire strabasiøse døgn holdt den ene livbåten kurs for Irland, inntil sju overlevende ble oppdaget og tatt opp av en britisk korvett og brakt inn til Liverpool. 29 personer omkom i forliset. Man fikk senere vite at 29 savnede var blitt tatt opp av det egyptisk skipet Memphis. Dette skipet møtte imidlertid tungt vær NW av Irland, fikk maskinstopp og ble trukket ned av sjøen. Ingen på det egyptiske skipet overlevde forliset.

MV Benjamin Franklin departed Bermuda in  a convoy on February 1st 1941, with Liverpool as destination. The ship was carrying 8.400 ton general cargo, explosives, bombs and airplanes. The convoy met a heavy storm, evolving towards a hurricane, which made it difficult to keep the convoy together and the Benjamin Franklin ended up by itself. The wind gradually increased to a moderate storm with heavy snow when the vessel was torpedoed by the German uboat U-103 on February 19th 1941. The torpedo struck the machine room and the ship sunk rapidly. Two lifeboats carrying 24 men was quickly lowered to the water, but during the night they lost contact. There was no signs of the other lifeboat carrying 17 men in the twilight and no other signs of life in the rough seas. For four strenuous days, one of the lifeboats kept its course towards Ireland until seven survivors were found and taken in by a British corvette and brought to Liverpool. 21 Norwegians, three Swedes, two Canadians, an Irishman, a Dane and a Russian perished in the sinking. It was later discovered that 29 of the missing crew were taken in by the Egyptian Ship Memphis. This ship had a encounter with heavy weather NW of Ireland, experienced engine failure and was pulled down by the sea. None of the people onboard survived this sinking.

About MS Benjamin Franklin

  • Nationality

    Flag Norway

  • Built


  • Wrecked


  • Carrier

    Fred Olsen & Co, Oslo

  • Tonnage

    9900 dvt
