Andre verdenskrigMS Høegh Silverdawn

MS Høegh Silverdawn var på reise fra Fremantle til Basra med 9000 tonn stykkgods. Den 14. juni 1943 ble skipet angrepet av den tyske handelsraideren HSK Michel midt ute i Det indiske hav i posisjon 2540S, 9200Ø. Raideren åpnet uten videre ild, og livbåtene ble gjennomhullet av kuler. Det plutselige overfallet krevde i første omgang 27 liv. Skuddsalvene traff brua, ødela radiostasjonen og satte brua i brann. Rormann og utkikk ble drept, to telegrafister såret. Skipet hadde 58 personer om bord, derav 11 passasjerer. Raideren plukket opp seks av besetningen fra sjøen. En midlertidig tettet livbåt med kapteinen og 22 personer om bord kom klar av skutesiden. Tre mann drev av på flåte. Flåten ble funnet 26. juni av et amerikansk skip. De tre ble tatt om bord og satt i land i Colombo 12. juli. Først da fikk myndighetene vite om hendelsen. Kapteinens båt nådde land på den indiske kyst 130 n. mil sør av Calcutta fyrskip 15 juli etter en seiltur på 2.865 n. mil. Tre om bord døde under veis. Seil ble så satt for Ceylon (Sri Lanka), dit de ankom 28. juli. I alt omkom 36 mennesker, herunder også de seks som ble tatt til fange om bord i den tyske raideren, da denne ble senket senere samme år. Det er usikkert hvem disse seks var.

MV Høegh Silverdawn was on a journey from Fremantle to Basra with 9000 tons of general cargo. At the 14th of June 1943, the ship was attacked by German auxiliary cruiser HSK Michel which was tasked with raiding allied merchant ships. The attack happened in the middle of the Indian ocean in position 2540S, 9200E. The German cruiser fired upon the ship without warning, and the lifeboats were destroyed by gunfire. The sudden attack claimed 27 men. The first salvoes hit the bridge and lit it on fire, the radio equipment was also destroyed. The helmsman and the scout was killed and two telegraphists were hurt. MS. Høegh Silverdawn had 58 people on the ship where 11 of them were passengers. Michel took six people of the crew up from the water. In a somewhat repaired lifeboat with the captain and 22 people managed to get away. Three men also managed to stay afloat on a raft, this raft was at the 26th of June saved by an American ship. The three men was put ashore in Colombo the 12th of July. It was at that point the government heard about the fate of Høegh Silverdawn. After sailing 2865 nautical miles the captain’s lifeboat reached the shores of India 130 nautical miles from Calcutta light vessel the 15th of July. During this voyage three people died. The captain’s lifeboat was then headed for Ceylon (Sri Lanka), which they arrived to at 28th of July. A total of 36 people died, this also includes the 6 members of the crew that was taken as prisoners by Michel when the Raide was sunk later that year. It is unknown who these six prisoners were.

Om MS Høegh Silverdawn

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    Flagg Norge

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  • Rederi

    Leif Høegh & Co. A/S ,Oslo

  • Tonnasje

    10550 dvt
