World War IIMT Ferncastle

MT Ferncastle var på reise i ballast fra Australia til Abadan da skipry 17. juni 1943 ble lagt under ild og senket av den tyske  handelsraideren HSK Michel med tilhørende motortorpedobåt i posisjon 25S og 97Ø. Idet besetningen gikk i båtene åpnet Michel ild. En mann ble drept og en stupte i sjøen med redningsvesten i brann. Det ble antatt at flere ble drept, for i to livbåter satt bare 19 mann. Ingen ønsket å bli tatt til fange, derfor trakk livbåtene seg bort og klarte å forsvinne fra raideren i mørket. Kurs ble satt for Chagosøyene. Underveis samlet alle mann seg i en av livbåtene. Dag etter dag gikk kursen rett vest over det uendelige Indiske hav. Solen stekte og om natten var det kaldt. Tørst, sult og salt tæret på kreftene. Vanvidd og undergang truet. Seks mann døde underveis, den siste etter 30 døgn og samme dag som man fikk land i sikte. 17. juli, en måned etter torpederingen, kunne 13 overlevende krabbe i land på ei sandstrand ved landsbyen Nosy Varika på Madagaskar, 3000 n. mil fra Ferncastles siste posisjon. Totalt omkom 24 mann, 18 mann under senkingen og 6 mann underveis i livbåtene.

MT Ferncastle was on a journey in ballast from Australia to Abadan. On the 17th of June 1943, was the ship sunk by the German raider Michel and an associated motor torpedo boat in position 25S, 97E. Just as the crew boarded the lifeboats opened Michel fire. One man was killed and another one dove into the sea with his burning life vest. It is assumed that more people were killed, because in just two lifeboats sat 19 men. No one wanted to be taken as prisoners, so the lifeboats pulled away quickly to escape the raider in the darkness. the lifeboats were headed for the Chagos Archipelago. The crew decided to gather in one of the lifeboats when they were underway towards Chagos Archipelago. Day after day were they sailing the endless Indian ocean, the sun was scorching hot and the nights chilled them to the bones. Thirst and hunger and salt wore them down, and insanity and doom was close. Six men died underway, the last man died after 30 days which was also the same day that they got land in sight. On the 17th of July, one month after the torpedo attack, 14 survivors could crawl upon the sandy beaches close to the village Nosy Varika on Madagascar, 3000 nautical miles from Ferncastles last known position. In total 24 men perished, 18 during the sinking and 6 during the voyage with lifeboat. 

About MT Ferncastle

  • Nationality


  • Built


  • Wrecked


  • Carrier

    Fearnely & Eger, Oslo

  • Tonnage

    14770 dvt
