World War IIMT Ferncourt

MT Ferncourt ble angrepet av tyske fly i konvoi og under passasje ved Milford Haven, nær South Bishop 7. juli 1941. Fire bomber traff skipet, og store deler av dekket ble revet opp. Samtidig detonerte en flytorpedo et stykke under vannlinjen. Ferncourt ville ikke synke, og kaptein Syvert Birkenes ville ikke oppgi sitt skip. Slepebåt ble tilkalt, og fartøyet ble slept inn til Milford Haven. og senere til Swansea, der det lå til reparasjon i 10 måneder. En kanadier og en svenske omkom i angrepet og en ble såret. Ferncourt ble reparert, overlevde krigen og seilte til det ble hugget opp i 1964.

MT Ferncourt was attacked by German airplanes while in convoy during its passage outside of Milford HAven, close to South Bishop on the 7th of July 1941. Four bombs hit the ship, and the deck was ripped apart. A torpedo which was dropped by a plane detonated just under the water surface, yet Ferncourt did not sink. Captain Syvert Birkenes did not want to give up his ship. A tugboat was called for, and the vessel was towed into Milford Haven. The vessel was then towed to Swansea, where it was repaired over the course of 10 months. One canadian and one swede perished in the attack and one was wounded during the aerial attack. Ferncourt was fixed up and survived the war and sailed under foreign owners until it was broken up i 1964. 

About MT Ferncourt

  • Nationality

    Flag Norway

  • Built


  • Wrecked


  • Carrier

    Fearnley & Eger, Kristiania/Oslo

  • Tonnage

    14770 dvt
