Andre verdenskrigMT Hidlefjord
MT Hidlefjord lå 1. april 1941 utenfor Milford Haven med en last på 10000 tonn bensin, da skipet ble angrepet av to tyske fly. To bomber traff, og bensinlasten tok straks fyr. En intens hete oppsto, og tykk røyk la seg over hele skipet. Bare styrbord lettbåt med to mann fikk man satt på vannet. De andre sto i brann. De øvrige som oppholdt seg midtskips, hoppet i vannet, men bare to greide å nå lettbåten. Disse, sammen med en som lå og fløt i vannet, ble i løpet av en halv time tatt opp av eskorten. 29 personer omkom i flammene; 23 nordmenn, 5 sør-afrikanere, en brite og en australier.
MT Hidlefjord was anchored just outside of Milford Haven with 1.000 tons of gasoline. This vessel was suddenly attacked by two German bombers. Two bombs hit the ship and the cargo of gasoline and it quickly ignited. This ignition created intense heat and thick smoke engulfed the entire ship. Only the workboat at the starboard side of the ship was lowered into the sea with two men as passengers. The other workboats were aflame. The other crewmembers who was at the amidships dove into the water, but just two men managed to reach the boat. These men, along with the other people that was floating in the water, was after a half hour rescued by the escort vessel. 29 perished in the flames. 23 Norwegians, 5 South Africans, one Briton and an australian perished in the sinking.
Om MT Hidlefjord
Kornelius Olsen, Stavanger
11750 tdw