Andre verdenskrigMT India
MT India var på reise fra Talara i Peru bestemt for Sydney, Australia. Den 10. september 1943 ble tankbåten skutt i senk av den handelsraideren HSK Michel vest av Påskeøya i omtrentlig posisjon 1200S og 11400W. En granat slo inn i tankskipet og en voldsom eksplosjon fulgte. Det ble satt ut motortorpedobåt fra den tyske raideren, men i det brennende havet var det ikke mulig for det tyske fartøyet å komme nær nok til å redde eventuelle overlevende. Men oppgitte klokkeslett røper at tiden mellom ildgivning og retrett bare var en halv time. På denne korte tiden kunne ikke motortorpedobåten ha undersøkt så nøye om det lå svømmende mennesker i sjøen. 41 personer omkom. Michel ble senere torpedert av amerikansk ubåt utenfor Yokohama 17. oktober 1943. Over 100 mann og alle fanger på skipet omkom.
MT India was on a journey from Talara in Peru to Sydney, Australia. At the 10th September 1943, the boat was attacked by the German auxiliary cruiser HSK Michel which was tasked with attacking allied merchant ships. India sank in the approximate position 1200S, 11400W west of the Easter Islands. A artillery shell hit the ship which resulted in a huge explosion. The German vessel sent out a motorboat to look for survivors, but according to the Germans it was not possible for the boat to get close enough to properly search. The given time between attacking and retreating was only a half hour, with this short amount of time the motorboat could not possibly have made a thorough search for the crew in the water. a total of 41 people perished in the sinking. Michel was later torpedoed by an US Submarine close by Yokohama 17th October 1943. Over 100 crew and all the prisoners went down with the ship.
Om MT India
The Texas Company (Norway) A/S,Oslo
14250 dvt