Andre verdenskrigMT Innerøy
MT Innerøy var underveis fra Aruba til Storbritannia via Halifax med bensin. Den 22. januar 1942 ble skipet torpedert av den tyske ubåten U-553 i posisjon 4114N og 6032W. Eksplosjonen førte til at skipssiden revnet, og flammende bensin strømmet ut og dekket havflaten rundt skipet. Fem mann klarte å få ut en liten motorbåt, og de måtte ro for livet gjennom flammene. I halvannen time slet de for å komme klar av ildhavet. Sjøfolkene fikk startet motoren, stakk beina under seilduk og la presenning over skuldrene for å holde kulden ute. Etter en iskald natt og 15 timer ble de tatt om bord i et britisk skip, som tidligere hadde passert to tomme livbåter fra Innerøy. 31 nordmenn, to briter, to portugisere og en kanadier omkom i forliset.
MT Innerøy was on a voyage from Aruba to UK via Halifax, carrying gasoline. On the 22nd of January 1942, the vessel was torpedoed by the German uboat U-553 submarine in the position of 4114N, 6032W. The explosion resulted in the side of the ship cracked open and burning gasoline to leak out and cover the surface of the waters around the ship. Five of the men managed to board a small motorboat and rowed for their lives through the flames for one and half hour until they were out of the area with fire. The survivors managed to start the motor, stuck their legs under the canvas and covered their shoulders with tarp to survive the cold. After a cold night and 15 hours later they were rescued by a British ship, which previously had passed by two empty lifeboats from Innerøy. 21 Norwegian, two Brits, two Portuguese and en Canadian perished in the sinking.
Om MT Innerøy
Erling H. Samuelsen., Oslo / Kristiania
12700 dvt