World War IIMT Lise

MT Lise var på reise i ballast bestemt for Curacao. Skipet ble 12. mai 1942 skutt i brann og torpedert av den tyske ubåten U-69 95 n. mil nord for Bonaire. Lise besvarte ilden med egen kanon og Hotchkiss maskingeværer. 12 mann ble drept rundt skipets kanonplattform akterut. Flammene slo opp, og situasjonen ble håpløs. Giggen ble satt på vannet med seks mann i. De fant en flåte med sju mann som de tok opp. I tillegg var en livbåt med åtte mann kommet på vannet. Den 15. mai landet livbåten i Carizzal, Colombia. Det ble trukket lodd om hvem som skulle være igjen på flåten før giggen satte kurs mot land. 13. mai så giggen land ved Curacao. En hollandsk hvalbåt tok dem opp, og et fly ble satt inn for å lete etter flåten. De fem om bord på flåten drev rundt på havet i 20 døgn før de ble reddet. 10 av de overlevende opplevde en ny torpedering kort tid senere, da de om bord i det hollandske passasjerskipet Crijnssen ble torpedert i Yucatanstredet 10. juni. De ble tatt opp av det amerikanske malmskipet Lebore. 14. juni 1942 ble også dette skipet torpedert. Også denne gang overlevde de torpederingen, den tredje på en måned. 12 personer omkom i forliset.

MT Lise was on a journey in ballast headed for Curacao. On the 12th of May 1942, the ship was set ablaze by gunfire and torpedoed by the German uboat U-69 just 95 nautical miles north of Bonaire. MT. Lise fired back on the submarine with their own cannons and Hotchkiss machine guns. 12 men were killed around the ship’s cannon platform at the aft. The flames rose to the skies, and the situation became hopeless. The jig was lowered into the water with 6 men aboard. There was also a lifeboat with eight passengers on the water. This lifeboat arrived in Carizzal, Colombia on the 15th of May. The jig and its passengers found a raft with eight survivors. Both the passengers of the jig and the raft drew straws for which eight would stay behind on the raft while the jig set sail for the shore. On the 13th of May, the jig saw land by Curacao. A Dutch whaler rescued the passengers of the jig and an airplane was given the mission to find the raft with the rest of the survivors. The five men aboard the raft drifted around in the ocean for 20 days until they were rescued.  A while later 10 of the survivors experienced yet another torpedo attack. These 10 survivors were aboard a Dutch passenger ship named Crijnssen which was torpedoed in the Straits of Yucatan on the 10th of June. The survivors were rescued by the American ore ship Lebore. At the 14th of June 1942, was Lebore also torpedoed. The survivors once again survived the attack which was the third attack in just one month.

About MT Lise

  • Nationality

    Flag Norway

  • Built


  • Wrecked


  • Carrier

    S. Holter-Sørensen, Oslo

  • Tonnage

    10575 dvt
