World War IIMT Nortind
MT Nortind gikk fra New York 14 januar 1943 bestemt for Mersey (Liverpool). Vinterværet i Nord-Atlanteren 1943 var det verste i manns minne. I en periode på 120 dager blåste det storm og kuling med tilsvarende grov sjø i 116 dager. Nortind forsøkte å komme det norske tankskipet Kollbjørg til hjelp etter at dette hadde brukket i to, men det var til ingen nytte i det harde været. Under forsøket, falt Nortind ut av konvoien og ble torpedert av tyske ubåten U-358 26. januar 1943 i posisjon 5830N og 3400W. Nortind var lastet med bensin – det var storm og alle om bord omkom. Besetningen besto av 34 nordmenn og sju briter. To hollendere fulgte med som passasjerer.
MT Nortind departed from New York on the 14th of January 1943 with Mersey (Liverpool) as their destination. The winter weather in the North Atlantic in 1943 was one of the worst for several years. In a period of 120 days the winds blew up to a storm and gales equivalent to rough seas for 116 days. Nortind tried to assist the norwegian tankship, MT Kollbjørg, due to the ship breaking in two, but it was not possible due to the bad weather. During their attempt to assist the ship, the Nortind fell out of the convoy and on the 26th of January 1943, in position of 5830N, 3400W, was torpedoed by the German uboat U-358. Nortind was loaded with gasoline, and everyone on board perished in the sinking. The crew consisted of 34 Norwegians and seven Britons, as well as two Dutch passengers.
About MT Nortind
Nortraship, London/New York
11890 dvt